Data protection policy

In accordance with article 13. EU Regulation 216/679

CONCERIA VOLPIANA S.P.A. with registered office in VIA DELLA CONCIA 74/84 36071 ARZIGNANO (VI) Italy, VAT number 01521690246, as Data Controller, informs you, in accordance with art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016, about the protection of personal data (“GDPR”).

1. Typology of processed data

These collected data will be used for the undersigned purposes:

  • Surname and Name , tax code, address , e-mail, phone number
  • Biometric Data

Treatment is necessary for the continuation of the contract and commercial relations. The legal foundation is the one dictated by the European regulation 679/2016 and by the national legislation in force.

2. Purposes of the processing

Data processing is realized by the Company in carrying out the activities. In particular, the Data provided by the Interested parts will be processed, with IT and non-IT tools, for the following purposes:

  • First contact in order to establish an employment relationship

3. Processing methods

The Data will be processed by the Company with electronic and manual systems according to the principles of correctness, loyalty and transparency provided for the applicable legislation on protection of personal data and protecting the privacy of the interested party through technical and organizational security measures to ensure an adequate level of security.

4. Mandatory or Optional type of data processing

Some data are essential for the establishment of the contractual relationship or for its execution while others can be defined as secondary. The processing of data to the writer is mandatory only for  data  which a regulatory or contractual obligation is envisaged.

5.Consequences of refusal to provide data

In cases where the provision of data is envisaged by a regulatory or contractual obligation, any refusal would put the supplier in the condition of not being able to execute or proceed with the contract as it would be unlawful treatment. If the obligation is not foreseen, the refusal does not cause any consequence but prevents the carrying out of the secondary operations.

6.Data preservation

The provided data will be kept for a maximum of two years.

7.Place of treatment

The data are currently processed and archived at the operating headquarters of the undersigned, in VIA DELLA CONCIA 74/84, VIA DEL LAVORO 71 AND VIA DELLA CONCIA 104 – 36071 in ARZIGNANO (VI). They are also treated, on behalf of the writer, by professionals and / or companies charged with carrying out technical, development, management and administrative – accounting.

8. Communication, dissemination and transfer of data

The Data will be processed, within the limits of what is necessary, by the authorized personnel, adequately trained, of the Data Controller as well as by the personnel of third parties who they provide services to the Data Controller and carry out processing of data on behalf of and on the latter’s instruction as data controllers. In case of communication to third parties the recipients can be: 

  • Administration and public authorities due to fulfill legal obligations.
  • Technical partners

More generally, in carrying out its ordinary corporate activities, the Data may be disclosed to parties performing control, auditing and certification of the activities carried out by the Owner, consultants and freelancers in the context of tax assistance, judicial and in the case of operations companies for which it is necessary to assess the company assets, institutions and public administrations, as well as to persons legitimated by law to receive such information, Italian and foreign judicial authorities and other public authorities, for the purposes connected with the fulfillment of legal obligations, or for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed and arising from the contractual relationship, including for the need of defense in court.

9.Data controller

The data controller  you can contact to enforce the rights referred to in art. 7 transcribed above, is CONCERIA VOLPIANA S.P.A.

10.The rights of the interested party

The interested party may exercise, in relation to the processing of the data described therein, the rights provided by the GDPR (articles 1521),


  • To receive confirmation of the existence of the data and access their content (access rights);
  • To update, modify and / or correct the Data (right of rectification);
  • To request the deletion or limitation of the processing of data processed in violation of the law including those that do not need to be kept in relation the purposes for which the Data were collected or otherwise processed (right to be forgotten and the right to limitation);
  • To oppose the treatment (right of opposition);
  • To propose a complaint to the Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the case of violation of the regulations regarding personal data protection;
  • To receive an electronic copy of the Data relating to him / her as Interested, when such Data have been returned in the context of the contract and to request such data Data are transmitted to another data controller (right to data portability)

To exercise these rights, the interested party may contact the Data Controller by sending a communication to: a registered letter A.R. to the address: CONCERIA VOLPIANA SPA Via della Concia 74/84 36071 Arzignano (VI) Tel. 0444675957 FC: 01521690246, a pec to the address: When contacting us, you must ensure that you include your name, email / postal address and / or telephone number (s) to be sure that your request can be properly managed.